Introducing the Byelorussian agricultural production innovations in the conditions of a transformational economy
theme 9
Main directions of innovation development of the belorussian agro-industrial complex

Economics, organization and management
1. Formation and implementation of agrarian strategy and development policy of the agro-industrial complex.
2. State regulation of the agro-industrial complex.
3. Organizational and economic mechanism of effective functioning of the agrarian market.
4. New models of enterprises, cooperatives and integrated formations in the agro-industrial complex.
5. New forms of labor and production organization and new methods of labor motivation in the agro-industrial complex.
6. Development of the social and labor sphere in the village.
7. Rationalization of the use of production potential.
8. New forms of technical service and provision of resources for the agro-industrial complex.
9. Financial recovery of commodity producers.
10. New forms and systems of management in agro-industrial complex

Farming and crop production
1. Monitoring of land use.
2. Scientifically grounded farming systems.
3. Intensification of irrigated lands utilization.
4. Improvement of soil productivity; new forms of modified plants.
5. New technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops.
6. New fertilizers and their systems.
7. New means of plant protection.
8. Plant growth regulators.
9. "Biologization" of farming.
10. New varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops

Animal production and veterinary medicine
1. New breeds, types and crosses of highly productive animals and poultry.
2. Creation of highly productive breeding flocks.
3. Preservation and improvement of the gene pool.
4. Creation of new types of transgenic animals.
5. Biological systems of animal breeding.
6. Increasing the biological potential of animal productivity.
7. Development of new improved industrial technologies.
8. Organization of intensive fodder production.
9. Mechanization, automation and computerization on livestock farms.
10. Effective utilization of fodder resources

Mechanization and automation
1. use of new and improved technologies.
2. Development of combined machines, technogenic safety system.
3. Ensuring safety and comfort in the use of machinery.
4. Application of unified units and parts.
5. Creation of mechanized and tractor units.
6. Improvement of leasing schemes of equipment supply.
7. Creation of dealer service.
8. Organization of repair and restoration activity.
9. Formation of the personnel system of engineering and technical support of the agro-industrial complex.
10. Cooperation and integration in the creation of new technical complexes

Processing industries
1. Introduction of new methods of raw material processing.
2. Obtaining new multifunctional products with specified properties.
3. New resource-saving technologies of food production.
4. Use of secondary and non-traditional raw materials.
5. Increasing the food and consumer value of food products.
6. Methods of product quality control.
7. New formulas for baby food enriched with vitamins and trace elements.
8. New technologies of food products storage.
9. Creation of waste-free technologies in the production of food products.
10. Creation of products of health-improving and preventive properties
the main measures for the development of innovation processes in the agro-industrial complex of Belarus

- integration of efforts and strengthening of the role of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in improving the quality of management decisions that contribute to the development of a grounded strategy of scientific support for the development of the national agro-industrial complex;

- formation of the state innovation strategy and policy aimed at the establishment and development of progressive technological patterns;

- integration of agrarian, scientific and technical and innovation policy in order to increase the demand of the agrarian sector for scientific and technical achievements and attract capital for the development of innovative technologies;

- optimization of normative-legal regulation in order to stimulate innovation and investment activities, including legislative support of the innovation and investment strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex;

- ensuring commercialization of scientific research results;

- strengthening cooperation between commodity producers, research organizations and universities;

- technical and technological re-equipment of organizations of the agro-industrial complex on the basis of energy- and resource-saving technologies of production, storage and processing of food products;

- ensuring the reduction of the tax burden for the scientific and technical sphere and agrarian business entities;

- development and introduction of adaptive technologies of agro-ecosystems and agro-landscapes;

- development of ecologically clean agricultural production on the basis of organic farming;

- optimization of productivity parameters of machinery and equipment, expansion of production of multifunctional combined aggregates for the agro-industrial complex;

- use of various types of incentives for innovation activities (customs duties, special insurance, tax exemption of profits allocated for modernization);

- formation of a multilevel system of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists for innovation activities in the production-technological and scientific-technical fields;

- creation of a modern system of information and infrastructural support of innovation activity in the agro-industrial complex;

- increasing the investment attractiveness of the industry for investors, including private and foreign investors;

- long-term forecasting, strategic and indicative planning of agro-industrial complex development on the basis of innovation.
Innovative technologies in agriculture