practical training.
new product launch
  1. Introduction
EXAPMLE: One company produced a new product: it organized a team, invested in production, and launched a website. But sales did not take off.
Because the marketers did not think about creating demand and increasing the audience's interest.

Without competent promotion, even a great product will not sell itself.
Launch-marketing will help to prevent such a situation.

Launch (Product launch, Launch-marketing) is a stage of market launch of a product, where the company informs consumers about the value of its offer and creates demand.
The task of this stage is to make customers believe that what the company offers is exactly what they need.

Launch-marketing is launched even before the introduction of the new product to the market, in order to create maximum attention and demand by the time of the beginning of sales.

The goals of launch-marketing are:
  • informing potential customers
  • generating interest to the new product
  • increase brand identity
  • increase audience support for a certain type of product
  • getting quick sales

EXAPMLE: Let's imagine, that we have recorded a course "How to become a programmer in 2 weeks". It is unlikely that students will come to our course until we launch an advertising campaign, announce the launch of the project, tell them about the teachers and potential employment. To make sales, you must first create demand and attract the attention of the audience. For example, launch a big promotion or a big discount.

Launch is preceded by two stages:
Relaunch - developing a marketing strategy and formulating objectives for the upcoming campaign.
Soft Launch - test production to a limited market. This is how brands test demand and measure audience reaction to marketing techniques.

There are a lot of tools of launch marketing.
Their proper selection depends on the market we are working in. You can start a limited free product giveaway, create a system to motivate recommendations and reviews, or launch a contextual campaign.

1. Select a market to which we will promote a new product. Record the result in the document by link.

For example:
or you can choose your own variant

2. Give a brand-name and describe in detail the new product we will promote. Record the result in the document by link.

For example:
for the tourism market
Name: SPA-terrace Olimpiets. Novelty: an unusual location at the recreation center Olimpiyets (fenced area, including a cabin, bathhouse with a font, gazebo, barbecue)

for catering
Name: catering Avenue 13. Novelty: the ability to organize an event in any city of Belarus in a day after placing an order

3. Create an identity for the novelty (define corporate style (font, colors), create a logo, mockups). Record the result in the document by link.

To develop a logo you can use Canva application.
To develop a mockup you can use
To delete to remove the background, use the service
Link to edit mocap
2. Preparing for a new product launch
Preparing for a launch makes you do a lot of titanic work. But if we are talking about promotion, the preparing stage includes three main points:
  1. defining the audience.
  2. analyzing competitors.
  3. pointing out the advantages of the product.

1. Defining the audience
A working product is good. But it is important to know to whom we will sell it - who will be the main user. The more we know about the tastes, problems and opportunities of our audience, the more correct promotion strategy we develop. Knowing the audience, we can divide customers into segments and hit the right group of people with advertising - reduce advertising costs and at the same time increase sales.

An example of a potential client portrait, who will buy system CRM (Customer Relationship Management):
What gender?
men and women.
How old?
30-50 years old.
Where does?
What social segment does he/she belong to?
Middle class, intelligentsia.
How much earns?
1000-2000$ per month.
What background?
Higher education, representatives of humanitarian professions - consultants, marketing, design, managers, executives, sole proprietorships.
How does he/she behave on the Internet?
Reads RBC, chooses Facebook and Instagram, less often Vkontakte, buys on Wildberries and Ozon, uses Google instead of Yandex.
What needs are experienced, what problems are faced?
Does not have time to control subordinates and employees, needs an inexpensive and functional software tool with analytics and statistics uploading.
How our product will help to close client's needs?
It will give tools to control employees. The client will be able to manage subordinates and see the efficiency of each employee. The product will show who can expect a bonus and who will be reprimanded. With the ability to upload statistics and analytics in the form of graphs and charts.
What objections may arise (and how our product solves them)?
Unknown product - what makes it better than competitors (price, functionality).
The client can handle it (but spends more time)
The client already has such a product (give a free trial period and half the price).

If we focus on several segments, we will make a customer portrait for each group of consumers. This will help us to personalize advertising and identify priority points for emphasis in promotion.

2. Competitor research
To move in the right direction, we find all competitors in the market and study the specifics of their offerings.
Analyzing competitors will help us understand the strengths and weaknesses of our product. We will know what gives us a head start over our competitors - we can work on the weaknesses and correct them.

3. Identifying the advantages of your product
Without the right focus, consumers won't recognize our advantage over our competitors. In advertising, you can do a simple thing: say how everything is beautiful and works well. But that's what all competitors do.

It's not enough to simply find advantages that stand out in the mass of competitors. These benefits must address the needs of the audience and impact the Target Audience. Advantages that we find, but that are not seen by customers as advantages, cannot be considered as advantages - we will get zero feedback. That's why we separate the advantages in a complex with the needs of customers.

And please, no abstract "best" and "superior". We identify the advantages in order to use them in the advertising campaign. So specificity, only specificity.

Example: we're launching a new video recorder for drivers. We identify the benefits.

How not to: Self-contained.
How to: Works without a cigarette lighter, holds a charge for 15 hours.
How not to: Beautiful design
How to: Apple designers worked on ergonomics; adorns the interior of any class of car; the design won the main prize at the Design Awards Russia.
How not to: Low cost
How to: 1990 ₽ cheaper than its direct counterpart
How not to: Long service life
How to: Warranty period of 24 months. Average service life is 10 years
How not to: Ease of use
How to: Ability to customize the menu interface. Even children and pensioners can figure it out. Compared to the analog, setup takes 5 minutes instead of 40 minutes.

1- Identify your target audience. Record the result in the document by link.

2. Analyze your competitors (minimum 5 competitors). Record the result in the document by link.

3. Identify the advantages of your product (service). Record the result in the document by link.
3. New product pre-launch
The preparatory stage is for relaunch and soft-launch. It's where you start working with potential customers.

When there is nothing to test yet, it is best to work with the audience through interviews. They will help you identify the needs of potential customers and find out what they care about the most - in order to close these needs with your product. Interviews will help you correct your existing promotional strategy or develop a new one - if it's not ready yet.

Where to carry out interviews:
  • in social networks - if the brand is already active and has formed a certain audience around it
  • by e-mail - if there is a contact base
  • on the company's website - if there is traffic or an opportunity to attract it "in the field" (on the street, in the supermarket, in parking lots, etc.) - if we are preparing to launch a mass product.

How to carry out interviews:
Social networks and messengers have special functionality for creating interviews. For other platforms, the questionnaires need to be created independently.

3 platforms for online interviews:

1. Google Forms
Price: free
Free plan: available
Mobile version: app
Questionnaire difficulty: any
Functionality: ⛭⛭⛭⛭
Oko-rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
Online surveys from Google - a must have and the leader of the rating on all articles. A free service with which you can create questionnaires of any difficulty: from a simple rating, to written tasks with fields for answers. You can carry out interviews, collect data in tables or display them directly in the questionnaire. You can also collect mailing addresses of respondents.
The service offers several form templates, allows you to create a custom design, brand the questionnaire and add a company logo. You can collect questionnaire forms according to templates or design your own questionnaire logic with answer options, input field or grid. If necessary, you can add a YouTube video or picture. You can even create multi-level questionnaires - when the nature of the next question depends on the answer to the previous one.
  • design themes
  • free of charge
  • tiered polls
  • results tables
  • no limit on the number of questionnaires
  • can not be embedded on the site - only link
Simple and clear Google Forms interface - even a child won't get confused. Recommended.

2. Survey Monkey
Price: from € 36
Free plan: available with restrictions
Mobile version: app
Questionnaire complexity: quick interviews
Functionality: ⛭⛭⛭⛭
Oko-rating: ☆☆☆☆
The service helps to create questionnaires in a couple of clicks: choose a template, correct answers, set options and it's done. Quickness and ease of building questionnaires allows you to interview, for example, employees during a meeting or students during a class. For each answer, the site generates statistics of answers and shows it in the form of a diagram with percentages.
The questionnaire can be created as a widget - integrated into the site or linked to it. Branding, tools for sharing results, and even the ability to assign grades to check the knowledge of students and employees are available. If you want, you can upload the results as an excel or pdf file.
  • statistics and analytics
  • real-time results
  • branding
  • A/B tests
  • free version
  • limitations on the number of questions on the free plan (10 questions for 1 questionnaire and 100 people)
  • no ability to embed media

3. Testograf
Price: from 6990 ₽ for 60 days
Free plan: demo
Mobile version: not announced
Questionnaire complexity: true/false + branching tests
Functionality: ⛭⛭⛭⛭⛭
Oko-rating: ☆☆☆☆
Multifunctional service for customer surveys, employee questionnaires, market research and feedback. Contains many templates, ability to customize design, create branched questionnaires. We will be able to add media files to the forms, customize access through authorization and impose restrictions on ipi.
The platform is pleased with the possibilities of questionnaire distribution: a regular link on the site, mail or sms distribution, widget, pop-up window or floating frame inside the document. The interviewer receives automatic processing of requests, full statistics of transitions, filtering of results and notifications on test passing. Reports can be uploaded in the form of a summary table, pdf diagrams, or individual responses in doc file format for word.
  • great functionality
  • 30 types of questions
  • many templates
  • suitable for any area of business
  • no limits on the number of questions, respondents
  • deep analytics
  • expensive
  • employee training, transfer of your own questionnaire, selection of respondents or assistance in development - for an additional fee.

If there is a database of email addresses, it makes sense to do a mailing asking for feedback. If the audience is not motivated, we can offer a bonus in exchange. We can add questions relevant to our product to a questionnaire, make a mailing and ask customers to take a test - for their own good. We want to learn about your problems and opportunities that you are interested in. Here's how Google Analytics does it.

Google Analytics sends advertisers and webmasters an offer to take the survey and notes - guys, it's in your best interest. And many take it - active users are willing to spend 10 minutes of their time to improve their favorite product.

1. Create a questionnaire of at least 5 questions to survey your potential audience to determine their needs in order to close those needs with your new product. Use the Google forms service.

2. Design a flyer to distribute to your potential audience with access to the questionnaire through a QR code.

Use the service qrcode.tec-it to generate the QR code.
Use the Canva service to design the flyer.
Also a pre-launch is an announcement, creating a hype.

To interest users and increase their trust in our offer, we launch a promotion, organize an event and attract the press, or release a series of viral videos that present the product and are both useful to clients.
For example, as the credit-investment platform Credit.Club did. The guys made a video in which they explained the essence of their offer and mission. Everything is simple and clear.
In addition to the "About the Company" video, they made dozens of educational videos on the topic of investment and lending. The product had not been launched yet, but the audience was ready: "These guys are useful, their services can be used."

The whole pre-launch phase should accomplish three tasks:
  • tell what we offer in general
  • explain how and what user needs we can address
  • why you should pay attention to our offer

Pre-launch: 7 tools worth using
There is no universal formula for launching a product. Any suggestion is a hypothesis that needs to be tested. We can give general recommendations, which a competent businessman applies selectively and taking into account the characteristics of his offer.

1. good landing page
A good product - a beautiful landing page on the site. On it we will drive traffic and attract the audience. So let's make the landing page as clear and user-friendly as possible. Here we need a combination of three elements:

  • aesthetics - so that the design of the page does not discourage customers
  • fullness - so that users can find all the information they are interested in
  • usability - so that the purchase does not turn into a quest, and customers do not get lost in the interface.

A few tips that will help you get a good landing page:
Tool 1.
Technical optimization
To increase the loading speed, avoid technical errors
Tool 2.
Usability Improvement
To improve the usability of the site. The easier it is for users to navigate the page, the more willing they are to use our services.
Tool 3.
Reducing the amount of information
To avoid overloading users with data, we leave only the most important ones.
Tool 4.
So that the user has to read less and look more. We add a lot of high-quality photos, shoot videos, draw diagrams and infographics.
Tool 5.
Social proof
To remove potential objections of customers add testimonials, recommendations, certificates of compliance, figures, etc.

To develop a lending page for your innovative product.

You can use the Tilda platform.
Password: fmmp1410
Let's continue to look at 7 tools worth using in Pre-launch.
Good lending-page we have already developed.

2. free giveaway
The opportunity to get something for free attracts an audience. A marketing technique that aims to promote a product by giving away free promotional samples to potential buyers is called sampling.

Sampling is the answer to the consumer's belief that one should not purchase a cat in a bag. Sampling gives the consumer an initial idea of our product. Later, when a person is choosing between us and competitors, they are more likely to pay attention to our offer.

The free giveaway is a great opportunity to test the product and strategize. WE get real customer feedback and can use it to correct the strategy.

You don't just give away free samples. In exchange, you're asked to give feedback, write a review, give a recommendation, or write a social media post. Another option is sampling as a prize in a promotion. We organize a campaign to attract customers, ask them to leave an e-mail, collect a base, choose 5 lucky people and give samples for free. Cheap and surly.

3. Increase search engine visibility (Search Engine Optimization)
Hello SEO!!! SEO is said to help attract an interested audience from search engine results for free for a specific pool of requests. Attraction is really free - we don't pay search systems anything for customers. But for people to see us, you need to get to the top of the output. And this pleasure is not cheap. Nevertheless, SEO works.

For example, we launch a tool to optimize business processes and increase sales on the Internet. SEO helps to promote our page on a certain pool of requests. There is no point in using the company name in this capacity - no one is looking for us. What they are looking for:

"business process optimization tools"
"how to increase sales on the Internet"
"how to save money on sales managers"
"how to reduce business costs", etc.
Let's start promoting the site on these queries: we will collect semantic core, prepare content with keywords and place it on the website. If we get to the TOP, we will get a certain number of target customers who are interested in solving their problem. If users find answers to their questions on our site, will be more loyal to our offer. If they have a need for a similar product, there is a high probability that they will choose us.

4. Content Marketing
Content helps to interact with the audience. There are different types of content and channels to promote it:

On-site blog. Blogs help product companies attract organic traffic and build loyal readers. People read blogs, find useful content for themselves and imbue loyalty even before the product launch.

Guest publications. Usually placed on sites that are read by the target audience. This is not direct advertising, but special projects. For example, we can prepare a series of materials about common problems of users, which (just by the way) perfectly solves our product. Or a series of educational articles on the topic.

For example:

if we launch a website builder - do a series of materials about the correct structure of lendings
if we have a freelance exchange - we prepare a special project on how beginners can earn money in freelancing.
If we have a chatbot service, we write about how to create chatbots.
And be sure to put a link to the pre-order page.

User-generated content. This is content generated by users themselves - reviews, comments, unboxings, etc. We can publish user stories on our site or include them in our content. There we will increase audience loyalty and build trust.

Other formats. It's best not to get hung up on text. Cool articles are good, but the format should be selected according to the situation. Show ingenuity and look for a format that the audience will appreciate. Here's how Google does it.

In 2012, Google was bringing its Chrome browser to the Thai market. To build audience loyalty, the company played motifs from the national Thai epic Ramakien in its ads. Google even added story games to keep the audience engaged throughout the interactive experience.

5. Opinion Leaders
Influencer marketing is the involvement in the promotion of opinion leaders: famous bloggers, celebrities, other public figures who have gathered a certain audience around them. If this audience crosses ours, we can order advertising. People tend to trust the opinion of leaders. If a niche leader commends our product or recommends it to his audience, people are more likely to buy it.

Collaboration with leaders is on different terms - it depends on the scale of the audience. An ordinary blogger with an audience of 10-50 thousand subscribers will agree to do a review in exchange for a small commission or barter. And a large influencer-millionaire will ask for an advertising post amount of $ 10-20 thousand.

To actively enter the market, you can establish cooperation with several leaders. As it was done in Motorola. To bring Moto Z family and Moto Mods to the market, the company invited 13 bloggers with absolutely different audiences to cooperate. Each of them created their own content and posted it on their YouTube channel.

6. Special offer for the start of sales

For example:
  • give a good discount on the novelty - 50% of the full price
  • give the opportunity to buy the novelty in a package at a favorable price
  • give coupons for a large discount on the next purchase
  • give extended service or warranty terms for pre-orders
  • offer a gift or other product for free when pre-ordering
  • double points if there is a loyalty program.

Be sure to underline that the special offer is a limited-time promotion and only for the first customers. This way, potential customers will feel the buying deadline and will not wait for a later date to avoid missing out on the benefits.

7. Promotion through social media
If we're active on social media, have managed to build an audience and post company news on our profile, it's foolish not to use it to announce our new product.

Social media at the pre-launch stage can be used in different ways. A good technique is contests for the audience. We can include in the list of conditions to repost a contest post or mark a friend in the comments - to expand the reach of the audience. A huge plus is receiving feedback in the comments. You can answer a question in detail or give a link to a web site or blog post with full information about the novelty.

And social media is also a great channel to share information about favorable offers and promotions related to the product. We can always run a promo code and then attach it to a novelty offer.

4. Launch
The task of this stage is to tell as many people as possible that we have launched and sales have started. At this stage of promotion all existing channels of interaction with customers are used.
The most popular ways to implement this stage on the Internet are paid online advertising:
contextual and targeted.


Officially: contextual advertising is text, image and video ads that are displayed to users if they enter a search query or are interested in a topic on the Internet. Contextual advertising appears in search engines, mobile applications, websites and other resources.

But in fact, contextual advertising is more often understood as the main capabilities and tools of two advertising placement services on the Internet - Yandex Direct (Belarus, Russia) and Google Ads (USA, Western Europe, Belarus, Russia and other countries).

How it happens and what contextual advertising looks like

Contextual advertising can be divided into search advertising and online advertising.

The main types of advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct and Google Ads:

  • Search advertising. Advertising in the discovery area of Yandex or Google.
  • Campaigns in the Yandex Advertising Network or Google Display Network.

Search contextual advertising
Such advertising is shown in search services - Yandex, Google, Rambler, - and on partner sites. Search advertising responds to a specific user request exactly at the moment when it is relevant, that is, when the user enters it into the search bar.

Features of search advertising:
  • The person who displays your advertisement is the one who is looking for your products or services.
  • Paid per click or per conversion - the advertiser pays when a user clicks on an ad or takes a necessary action on the site.
  • The advertiser himself has set the maximum allowable price that he is willing to pay for a click or for a targeted client action on the site, for example, for placing an order or subscribing to a newsletter.

Advertising on networks
Advertising in networks is displayed on websites, in mobile applications and on other resources, entering the advertising systems of the affiliate network.
Each advertising system has its own network of affiliate sites:

for Yandex it is the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN);
at Google it is the Google Display Network (GDN) system.

Google Display Network
The Google Display Network is made up of more than 2 million sites and apps where your ads can appear. This number also includes Google projects - YouTube and Gmail. Google Display Network answers more than 90% of Internet users.

Types of targeting in Google Display Network:

  • Placement targeting. You indicate the platform where you want to display your advertisement. You can advertise broadly (by highlighting the main topics, sites that interest you) or more specifically (for example, linking to specific sites or links to YouTube).
  • Audience targeting. You select the audience who wants to display advertising, for example, by gender, age, interests and other parameters. This also includes remarketing.

1. Сreate an account in Google Ads.
2. Study the rules of advertising in Google Ads
3. How can Internet users search for your product? Match the search terms to your advertising campaign
4. Create a search advertising campaign for your product
5. Create an advertising campaign in Google Display Network
5. Post-launch of a new product
The novelty has been launched, the audience has been formed, the stage of active and massive promotion has been passed. It's time to work with those clients we have managed to attract - to warm them up, motivate them to take targeted actions and make sales.

How to work with them:

  • generate and update content on the site - to keep users in the orbit of the brand, attract them with updates
  • Add case studies, use cases - so that potential customers know when and how we can help them.
  • organize promotions - to stimulate demand and make favorable offers to customers
  • post testimonials - so that new customers can draw conclusions about the experience of use, about the usefulness of our solution
  • update the product with customer needs in mind - so that customers feel cared for, engage more strongly with the manufacturer and respond more readily to communication

Lonch is cyclical. When the last stage is over, we analyze the data from previous iterations, get feedback from the audience, adjust the strategy, acceptable promotion channels and start again. Otherwise, the result will quickly dry up.

Metrics and tools to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign

When analyzing the results of advertising campaigns, a specialist studies dozens of indicators: from reach and number of clicks to the percentage of video views, price per view, time on site, reactions to a promotional post, etc. Not all of them are needed to evaluate the results. Some help to analyze the interests of the target audience, others - the quality of the usability of the site or the design of the account in social networks. Let's go through those that are important for analyzing the effectiveness.

When evaluating the results of image, product and partly sales campaigns look at:

  • reach;
  • displays;
  • clicks;
  • CTR - clickability coefficient of ads;
  • CPC/CPM - price per click / 1000 impressions;
  • change in the number of sales;
  • dynamics in revenue and profit.

Trade campaign allows for a more clear and exact evaluation of:

  • leads;
  • CR - conversion rate into a lead, order, purchase;
  • CPA - price per target action on the site;
  • CPL - price per lead;
  • CPO - price per order;
  • ROAS - return on advertising expenditures;
  • ROI - return on investment;
  • CAC - cost of customer acquisition.

Where to get data
Depending on the type of advertising campaign, channels and platforms, data for evaluating effectiveness can be found in different sources. Let's go through the main ones.

Advertising offices of any system collect figures on a variety of metrics. If pixels and counters are installed, target actions are configured, it will contain data on most of the above-mentioned indicators.

If the goals are not configured, and traffic goes to the site, to analyze conversions, leads, CPL data from the advertising office will need to be combined with information from other sources: web analytics systems, call tracking, CRM.

Web analytics systems contain indicators that relate to user behavior on the site, such as browsing depth and abandon rate. Conversions, lead price, sales, profit ROI - depending on how well the system is set up - can often be found here. To see the cost per lead, you need to pass in costs from the advertising cabinets. And to estimate sales, profit, and ROI, you'll need data from CRM.

CRM and call tracking collect data on target actions and what happens to the requests next. Here you can see the conversion from lead to completed and paid order, and in CRM you can also see how much revenue and profit each sale generated.

Media and bloggers can provide information about the reach, engagement, views and readings of their publications. This is especially relevant for image and product campaigns. If we are posting from bloggers as part of a sales campaign, we should make sure to UTM-tag all links leading to the site. This way we can evaluate traffic, leads and even calculate ROI. Otherwise, we'll be content with reach and reactions, which tell us little about the effectiveness of the placement in terms of sales.

Open sources can also provide data for analyzing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. For example, when we place publications on external sites, it is possible to analyze the number of views, comments, positive and negative reactions. These are indirect metrics, but, for example, knowing the number of views of the article and seeing visits and leads from this source in Yandex.Metric, we can estimate the conversion rate and cost per lead.

Views are known, you can, for example, see traffic in Yandex.Metric and calculate CTR
Surveys and questionnaires provide data for assessing the communicative effectiveness of advertising campaigns, most often image campaigns. Specific indicators depend on the goals and what questions we asked. For example, we can assess how advertising has affected brand awareness.